Funding for Training

Apprenticeships are funded through the Apprenticeship Levy and/or co-funded between an employer and the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) where there are no Levy funds available. The European Social Fund (ESF) also co-funds the ESFA's funding contribution.
The Education & Skills Funding Agency is responsible for improving the skills of England’s young people and adults to ensure we have a workforce of a world-class standard.
The European Social Fund supports employment and promotes economic and social cohesion.
We are an approved supplier of Apprenticeships across the UK, recoginsed as such by our inclusion in the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP).
Please look at our Apprenticeships directory for a full list of the Apprenticeships on offer.
Our experienced team will listen to you and understand your needs, identify the most appropriate funding route and/or advise you of any necessary contributions.
See our Apprenticeship Funding page for more details.
European Social Fund
We are also an approved sub-contractor for ESF funded provision as part of the Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) programme in Dorset, in partnership with Serco and the Dorset LEP and in Somerset.
We are currently able to provide funding for training in Dorset and Somerset which is Non-Apprenticeship related, enabling employers to undertake certain elements of our exisiting vocational programmes or create entire bespoke packages with alternative components tailored around the needs of their business.
The European Social Fund also co-funds all Apprenticeship delivery in the UK.